■ ヘルムレ社 ドイツ南部のビュルテンベルグに拠点をおくヘルムレ社は、1922年にフランツ=ヘルムレによって設立されました。 現在では、機械式のムーブメントを用いる伝統的なクロックからクォーツ式のムーブメントを用いる高性能なクロックまで幅広く製造を手がけ、クロックを世界80カ国以上に供給するメーカーです。現代アートを想わせるスタイリングの中に、木のやさしい風合いや色目、木目の美しさを巧みに取り入れたデザインに特長があります。また伝統的な技術と現代の技術を織り交ぜ、細かなパーツの作成から組み立てまですべての工程を自社にて行える数少ないメーカーのひとつです。 |
All the time in the world Time never comes to a standstill, that is its nature. And time has become valuable. Time has always been "made" and interpreted by mankind. When people started to observe "time" they focused on sunrise and sunset only. In the High Middle Ages they started to develop ever more sophisticated methods of measuring time. In today's world we feel the urge to save time. We are obsessed by the need to win time. Our desire for the peace of our personal time can be satisfied by the elegance of exclusive clocks. The family business of Franz Hermle & Sohn was founded in 1922 and has its headquarters in Gosheim in the Swabian Jura, Southern Germany. Franz Hermle & Sohn is the largest producer world- wide of mechanical table clocks, hall clocks and wall clocks and market leader in the manu- facturing of mechanical clock- works. Our product range comprises more than 65 basic clockworks of most varied designs. Hermle products stand for German technology. They are manufactured by approximately 500 employees at three German manufacturing sites. Further- more, Franz Hermle & Sohn has subsidiaries in the United States. Hermle Black Forest Clocks Amherst, Virginia was founded in 1977. Traditional craftsmanship combined with state-of-the-art manufacturing methods safeguard the future of our company and warrant customer satisfaction in more than 80 countries around the world. |
■ヘルムレ社ホームページはこちら → http://www.hermle-clocks.com |